Registering a New Account

  1. Access Registration Page
  2. Fill in Personal Information
    Complete the registration form with accurate information.
  3. Read and Agree to Terms & Conditions
    Check the box 'I have read and accept the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy'. Make sure you read and understand the terms before proceeding.
  4. Email Verification
    After filling out the form, you will receive a verification email at the registered email address. Open the email from Zonaku.
    Click the “Confirm Email” link provided in the email.
    The email confirmation link is only valid for 5 minutes.
    Once clicked, the email verification page will open. Click the “Verify” button to proceed.

    If successful, a message will appear indicating your email has been verified.

    If the verification fails, please request a new verification link and try again.
  5. Account Successfully Created
    After the verification process is complete, your account has been successfully created and is ready to access various services from Zonaku.