Zonaku Console

What is Zonaku Console?

Zonaku Console is a web-based platform designed to help users manage services and features provided by Zonaku. With an intuitive interface, users can configure, monitor, and administer services effectively.

Zonaku Console Functions

Zonaku Console offers various functions, including:

  1. User account and profile management
  2. Service ordering and management
  3. Transaction and renewal log monitoring
  4. Customer support

How to Access Zonaku Console

To access Zonaku Console, follow these steps:

  1. Open your browser and visit the Zonaku Console URL.
  2. Enter your account credentials (email and password).
  3. Click the Login button.

Navigation & Menu Structure Overview

Zonaku Console has a menu structure consisting of:

  • Home
    • Dashboard: The landing page after login that displays an overview of activities and service status.
  • Service Manager
    • My Services: List of active services
    • Order New Service: New service ordering
    • Build Additional Applications: Additional application requests
    • Transactions: Transaction history
    • Renewal Logs: Service renewal records
  • Settings
    • My Profile: User profile information and account settings
  • Help
    • Contact Support: Customer support
    • Create New Ticket: New support ticket submission
    • Form Submission: Support form submission